Featured Products

An application that tracks the field work of customs clients that use Evrim applications – suited to purposes such as exports, imports, accounting, and web customs – and that reports this field work to the client.

Review Product

It makes it possible to manage documents critical to life in foreign trade, and to share such documents with relevant persons if needed. Your customs processes will not be delayed thanks to our integrated solution.

Review Product

The application outputs your daily statement as an invoice without you having to manually enter transactions. It is compatible with Evrim Accounting Application.

Review Product

Our Customers

Foreign Trade Companies

Firms that carry out in-house foreign trade and customs processes with an authorized obligor’s license.

Custom Brokers

Customs Brokerage Firms that desire to provide their customers with an expedient and error-free foreign trade experience.

Courier Delivery

Most Reliable Fast cargo transportations .

Contact Turkey’s undisputed Customs Declaration Champion:

Evrim Facts

55Firms on Fortune 500
923Customers who stuck with Evrim for 10 years or more
34University Cooperation
33Years of Focusing on Foreign Trade

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